Research activity

Author of over eighty peer reviewed publications, books and book chapters, Mr Eardley is an active member of the research department of James Cook University Hospital. In addition, he is on the staff of the Clinical Trials Unit, Department of Health Sciences, University of York as a Research Associate. His main research interests are in the management of trauma in older patients. This includes Major Trauma and Hip Fracture Care.

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Formal training in research method has been gained from a Masters Degree in Evidence Based Orthopaedics. Completion of the degree was obtained through submission of the thesis ‘ The distribution of extremity injury resulting from road traffic accidents in the United Kingdom.’ This piece of database analysis incorporated cooperation with the Trauma Audit Research Network (TARN).

Following on from Masters level, Mr Eardley further developed his research portfolio by undertaking a period of study at the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory(DSTL), Porton Down. Working under the auspices of DSTL and the Ministry of Defence, Mr Eardley completed a programme of work resulting in the submission of a thesis ‘The early management of complex extremity injury’. This resulted in the award of Doctor of Medicine from Newcastle University.

Building on these academic foundations, Mr Eardley is active in the CTU, University of York. He has been Chief Investigator on a multinational clinical study and is Principal Investigator on a range of United Kingdom clinical pragmatic trauma research trials. Most recently he has run OPEN and ORTHOPOD, both multi-centre research projects assessing trauma management across the United Kingdom.